
Monday, August 11, 2014
happiness in a bowl @ 1:48 PM

Happiness in a bowl - with some fatty tuna belly. His favorite. I kinda miss Japan, especially Tsukiji Fish Market for really good and cheap sushi + sashimi!! Our very random dinner date on Friday. Decided to have Japanese food, and landed ourselves at Sushi Tei! Good but kind of over-priced. A total bill of $100- dinner for 2. Average you will spend about 50 per pax, with your tummies half-filled. Sushi Tei will be a good choice, for light dinner (if you're not too hungry). 

Shall let the pictures do the talking- 

 Mentai Scallops 

Golden Mango Roll 

Garlic Rice 

Egg Custard with Salmon Roe (Ikura Chawamushi)

And this weekend, it was little x's 1st bday celebration! How time flies!! This baby boy is now officially one year old. He is such a joy to be around, and pretty glad that he is a very active, sociable and happy baby. I've seen babies that are very reluctant to be hold by others or tend to cry very hard every time he/she looses sight of the parents. Major disasterrrrr. So thankfully, he is not. :)

 Dinner with my family at Tom Yum Kungfu last evening. Boyfriend's treat! <3 It was their first mookata experience, excluding my meimei. Mommy was complaining of the BBQ smell clinging to her hair. But well... they finally tried my favorite mookata restaurant! :) Of course, thanks baby for his generous treat, and for filling their happy tummies with delicious food. 

I'm VERY happy that my boyfriend is communicating so well with my loved ones, my family members. Especially, my dad. Times when I see the both of them happily drinking wine together.... and having their endless conversations. In addition, daddy is not really a chatty person, so it comes as quite a surprise. 

That's why I feel that... daddy likes stefan! Ok, I mean accept. HAHAHAHAHAHAH and to me, it's a very important criteria in a relationship- getting along with my family and it goes the same for me too. :) 


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.