
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Dawn of the planet of the apes @ 11:37 AM

A long weekend! Monday feels like a Sunday. Managed to head down to Beauty Empire for a much-needed facial session on Sat. Very eager to get rid of the clogged pores. My friend introduced Auntie Anne to me, and she's truly a skin professional. I can trust her completely to take care of my skin. Besides that, I'm also using skincare products from my dermatologist as well. So far, it is working well! I have stopped experiencing major breakouts for more than a year. :) Realized it's extremely important to go for facial monthly. Thankfully, the pictures above cannot tell the redness from the extractions. :X It's all good now. :) I suffered minor skin irritations from baby's house renovations, probably caused by the dust. *Point to note: If you've sensitive skin, it's best to avoid going to construction sites for too long.

We finally caught a movie together - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Our last movie was X-MEN (am I right, boyfriend?! which means, more than a month ago.) Personal opinion: pretty good movie. The animations were well done, quite realistic and all the star-casts (especially the apes, mainly Caesar and Koba) have their own unique characteristics and personalities which make them look so real. Something worth watching. And the last part which Caesar mentioned, " Humans won't forgive. " - come to think about it, it's rather true. Do you ever hold a grudge? Yes, I did. BUT how many of us actually learned how to forgive, FORGIVE. So what does forgiving really mean? It is not exactly forgetting, but I guess it's about releasing the negative emotions and looking at things from a bigger perspective. It frees us from entanglement in the past. "No one is able to control your emotions, unless you allow them to do so." By choosing to hate, you are making yourself suffer.

Forgiveness is not something we do for someone else, but to free ourselves from unhealthy pain, anger and shame. Anger gives the appearance of being powerful, but leaves us feeling frustrated and powerless. Forgiveness appears weak, but leaves us feeling stronger and less vulnerable to others. 

and daddy wanted to have HDL on Sunday, however they do not accept last-minute reservation. According to their staff, you will have to book two weeks in advance. Madness, isn't it? So, we decided to have Chong Qing Mala Hot Pot, located at Tanglin Shopping Centre. It's probably the first time we ate for a good 2.5 hours- quality time with the family. We chose buffet steamboat, and they have ala-carte version too. Bill was about 50 per pax. Fresh ingredients, wide variety of veggies and meats BUT sadly, service was considered slow. As for the soup base, of course I prefer the tomato soup from HDL. However, the mala soup from CQ is definitely more drinkable (provided if you're a soup person, less oily and salty.) Daddy loves it, so does Stefan. 

The main thing about CHONG QING - I love their dessert!! Especially the deep fried buns with condensed milk, slurps* :P 

Address: Tanglin Shopping Centre #04-06/07, 19 Tanglin Road
Tel: 67348135

Lastly, just a random photo on Monday's lunch! Me love braised duck- from the food centre at Bedok Blk 216. Followed by, shopping for electronic products and lighting with the boyfriend and his family again. The same usual process. It's so tiring. :'( But ended off the day with a massage treat from the boyfriend. ;) HEH!! 

Will be having dinner with the favorite people today! Friends I've known for 7 years... and we took a LONGGG time to decide on the dinner venue. Looking forward! :)


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.