
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Celine Mini Trapeze & weekends @ 5:01 PM

Good things are meant to be shared. 

The other day I was just randomly walking past Celine in Taka and GOSH, YES YOU'RE SO RIGHT - the trapeze now comes in MINI version. It's so prettyayeeee.

I've been hunting for the perfect (casual) work bag for myself..... and this gorgeous piece caught my attention instantly. Oh well, I've been thinking about this bag since then. Too irresistible. I will more likely make a purchase if I've not give up the thought of owning this beauty after a month or so. I think it's a realistic time-frame to test my interest level.

I'm pretty glad that I was being taught since young to save up for what I want. We do not get to enjoy luxury goods with any financial help from my parents. And for this, I am very thankful. This made me a lot more independent as compared to some kids nowadays. There's nothing to be proud of, unless you've earned it yourself. Swapping your parents' credit card is definitely not cool, or getting your parents to pay your credit card bills (first). And this also taught me to how to scale back on impulse purchases. 

Anyways, I believe in " if you're still thinking about it, it means you really like it " theory. I don't want to end up getting something that I hardly get to use it. I'm not that kinda person. It goes the same for my Valentino's heels which I've bought from HKG @ SGD 1300. To me, it was definitely value-worthy and I have never regretted buying it at all. Very contented in fact. :)


So here's FALL 2014 collection - SO PRETTY COLOR COMBO. In my favorite colors - red, black (okay.. and a bit of pink is actually pretty sweet-looking). 

Lastly, happy 10-th to the boyfriend. We now spend almost every day of every week together.. last weekend we were shopping for mattress with his family. Can't believe we took the entire day to select the "most suitable" mattress for him and his brother. A LOT OF WORK TO BE DONE. We also learned quite a bit of stuff from the salesperson. They love to use terms like, "individual pocketed springs",  "latex", "memory foam" and now... there's even "microfiber pillows."  Everyday I'm learning new things, interesting!

Back to work today. Can't wait for the weekends to arrive again. In the past, I look forward to Fridays - the time we finally get to party, drink, have fun and happily curing hangover the next day. But now, the weekends are precious to me. I would rather watch movies on a Friday night, waking up early on Saturday for a good brunch and perhaps, spend some quality time with my family in the afternoon before the boyfriend and I decide on what to do in the late afternoon. Yoga sometimes. It goes the same for Sundays. I guess.. someday, we will all learn to set our priorities right. I guess my top priority now is quality time with my loved ones, and of course, my health. 

Do more of what makes you happy and spend more time with who makes you smile. 

I've become a much happier person. :)

And some random photos over the weekends, with my little nephew. He's extremely adorable, yes? He's 11 kilos btw, and he's LESS than a year old. :X


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.