
Friday, August 1, 2014
Donson's birthday dinner & happy 11th! @ 1:06 PM

Just a very short update- celebrated Donson's belated birthday at Soup Restaurant since they suggested to have 'zhi char' this time. We took a longggg time to decide on our dinner venue. We usually have steamboat buffets, but we are (finally) bored of HDL and Suki-ya. :X

Had dinner here once after my wisdom tooth extraction, thus I suggested this place. It's a good choice, other than the usual Crystal Jade for zhi-char... to be honest, I can't really think of anywhere else that's 1) good and 2) value-for-money. We ordered a total of 7 dishes, damn filling. YES, and I'm pretty sure I have gained weight in the past two weeks. This is so upsetting (especially when the boyfriend agrees that I'm a fat kid.) At such time, you can console yourself with a few words: "inaccurate body weight measurement due to faulty weighing scales." 

Back to the point: love their signature Samsui chicken with the specialty garlic sauce. It's a must have! Considered huge portion for 3 to share, and if i'm not wrong- half-chicken for $16.90. We also ate....
(pictures as shown below) 

1) Penang Mee-suah (it's good)
2) Hometown Fried Fish Belly (not bad, huge portion)
3) Hometown Tofu (it's not to my liking... I think we should have ordered the claypot's)
4) Double Boiled Old Cucumber Soup with Pork Ribs (Hansheng likes it!)
5) Black Pepper Venison (I like!)
6) Steamed Hand Chopped Minced Pork with Salted Egg (not up to my expectation)

Friends I've known for 7 years, and I'm pretty glad that we're still making the extra effort to meet up once in awhile and arrange for birthday dinners every year. :) Oh... with Eunice too! And now, we're trying to plan an overseas trip together. Probably Bangkok, and I'm also quite interested to visit Batam - I read the reviews of the Montigo Resort. It totally changed my impression of Batam. I've never been there before. But to me.. it sounds like a dangerous and dirty place. I'm probably wrong this time.


TGIF! #lotd

AND lastly, happy 11th to my strictest boyfriend who has been constantly training me to be more obedient patiently. At times, he is such a lovable person, especially whenever I'm upset and he will make it a point to solve the issue before going to sleep. As the old saying goes, " never go to bed angry. " But sometimes, he can be sucha pain in the ass, and we will end up having a debate over certain topics and wish that he could understand me a little more. BUT... let's look at it this way- this will help me to rationalize my thinking. It's true, I will not always be right. I must learn to listen and be receptive to changes. 

I used to be a lot more rebellious and I've cut down on my drinking tremendously. You care about his feelings, not wanting to upset him. Taking responsibility of your own actions. You don't need those unnecessary attention, and all I ever needed was someone like you.

You deserve to always feel wanted, to never doubt for a moment how your significant other feels about you.

Thank you for making me feel this way. 

It's true... the most basic foundation of a relationship is trust. 

 "Destroy that foundation and you destroy your love. When you do so there is rarely redemption – there is rarely ever reconciliation. Never forget this simple truth – there is character in the best loving relationships. Practice good character and your love will not only survive, it will thrive."


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.