
Friday, November 28, 2014
Birthday week @ 3:02 PM

Haven't been active updating this space. Time flies.. and yes, it's nearing December! My birthday week. 

Finally a getaway trip, in need of one desperately. 

Guess we've really aged, celebrations are not mandatory. But it's always nice to know we've this special day to look forward to every year. It's gonna be the third year celebrating my birthday elsewhere. 

Last year, had my birthday celebration in HK. It was memorable, because it was the first overseas trip with my boyfriend, along with my family. I thought it would be awkward, but no.. seems that my boyfriend gets along pretty well with my dad (ok, everybody even my relatives). 

Boyfriend's gonna fly to Japan on Monday, while I will be taking a flight (just myself, now that's another first) a few days later and meet him at the hotel since he's gonna be busy attending a work conference when I arrive.

Yes to fresh sushi, tuna belly, ichiran, more sight seeing, photo-taking (so gonna bring along my selfie stick! Gonna try out how it works) and our first time visiting Osaka & Kyoto! Excited.

Actually, I should be thankful... the boyfriend kinda taught me how to be more independent. I even drafted our itinerary in Japan (4 dec to 12 dec). I don't really like planning... so much work to do, research etc. But I'm glad at least I made some contributions, rather than throwing all the tasks to him. I'm afraid of taking a flight alone to be honest... but yes, I guess it's time I need to take the first step (I'm turning 24 in a week's time). LEARN. 

Had an advance birthday dinner with Gdine, Jerm and Chloe last night. Supposed to dine at HDL, but madness I will not queue 1.5 hours for that. Settled for dinner at Crystal Jade instead, equally satisfying. 

Throwback photo @ Empire, with my wifey! Till then, will update again!


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.