
Monday, September 29, 2014
Renovation completed! @ 1:04 PM


Will post up the post-renovation photos in my next entry! - with full furnishing.

 It was a super hectic weekend. And it was probably the only time I've exercised (sweating like mad) after a long time, not forgetting that my legs were aching so badly. Definitely not fun at all. I have already experienced some minor difficulties climbing the stairs to my bedroom, which is on the 2nd level. And now, the boyfriend's bedroom, I've to climb another flight of stairs to the 3rd level. I'm not so sure I'm supposed to laugh or to cry. 

But yes, I think I should see the doctor. My legs are generally weak and I feel that it is getting weaker. No-one understands this. Not that I'm lazy. I'm not sure if anyone suffers the same problem as me. I can't really walk too far or too long, and my calf muscles may feel easily tensed up, tight and very sore. It's weird because if you know me... I hardly even wear heels and seldom exercise. I'm assuming I have 'manly' legs, that's really upsetting to know. Jokes aside, now it's affecting the back and side of my thighs (especially the right)- causing this numb feeling which is making me very very uncomfortable.

And I've one set of before-after photos of baby's bathroom! From nothing to something. Incredible, isn't it?

Other than that, there were some stuffs that made me really upset and I eventually broke down. I'm glad this whole renovation thing is completely over. Yes, we still need to shop for some miscellaneous items for his bedroom. I've this love-hate relationship with Feng Shui now. Yes, my entries are generally happy because I prefer sharing joy and happiness to the people around me. However, this time round it hit me real hard. I usually talk to my family about my problems. Especially, my sisters and mom. They are like the closest friends to me. People whom I can rely on and I know they will not judge me. 

Spoken to the boyfriend about it. All because of Feng Shui, there are many things that I was being restricted to do or not to do. I actually think that I've high tolerance level and have been enduring for the longest time ever. But I guess, people should learn to be more sensitive to other people's feelings? I'm not so sure how to express my thoughts over here. One thing I know for sure: I hate this feeling. This feeling is so indescribable. 

That hurts my self-esteem. 


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.