
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Love @ 12:24 PM

Just a random post: 

I remember it vividly, I was hospitalized after my HK trip and gained a brand new perspective of certain things. I must say it's a blessing in disguise. It will reveal the ones who truly care for you. Very thankful having my boyfriend with me 24/7, and taking care of me unconditionally. I cried so hard when I was admitted into Mount-Elizabeth (at 12am) having noone to accompany me, because it's a female ward and men are not allowed in a 2-bedded room too. I tried requesting for a single-bed ward but it was fully occupied. Seeing baby's tired-looking face, I honestly felt guilty. And then.. they finally shifted me to a single ward after my 3 hours operation the next day. The boyfriend spent all 3 nights in the hospital with me. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I saw my boyfriend lying on the sofa-bed sound asleep (but looking very uncomfortable). Back then, we were only together for half a year. If I was to date a boy, he would be completely clueless. Taking care of someone, is not just about getting you food or sending you home. It's when times like this, when you're so afraid, he will give you courage, strength... and you know you can depend on him. He's a reliable man. Sometimes, I questioned myself the small little arguments we had.. yes it is inevitable. Couples do argue sometimes but again.. are all these arguments necessary. Unknowingly, I will raise my tone especially when we voiced out different opinions over certain topic. I'm still learning to control my temper, to talk calmly.  

What's love all about- I think it's a little exaggerating when you call the boyfriend/girlfriend, "love of my life." It would probably only be my parents for now. Because, I really cannot imagine my life without them. Even at the beginning of a relationship, I think it's inappropriate to use the word "love" on someone. Love is too strong a word, to be used casually. Liking is different- it can be based on first impression etc. 

I like your style. 
I like your straight-forwardness. 
I like the way you smile.

Had a conversation with the girls the other time- and we were sharing our opinions on the definition of love. To me- Love is not just about wanting the other party to be happy, healthy and safe. Love is both ways- one sided love is never gonna work. You feel loved and secured and you know you're in the right relationship. You can feel it intuitively in our guts. It also makes you wanna be a better person, to give your best. Take for example, I'm more than willing to spend on a gift for him without hesitation, as compared to getting something else for myself. That does not necessary mean that I put all his needs before mine. But you know.. you observe what he needs and wanting to contribute just so to make his life a little happier, a little better. Or simply, you genuinely want him to be happy. Of course, there will still be some minor arguments here and there. Girls are emotional creatures but you know at the end of the day, both care enough about the other person to want to make it work. 

Love should be alive, and it can be messy. If you can't argue with someone, then you probably can't talk to them, either. If there's not enough passion to make you angry, then there's probably not enough love to make you smile. Not a polite pleasant smile, but a big love smile. A smile that makes your ears hurt.

On a happier note, it's our first anniversary this coming Mon! :) 


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.