
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Eunice's bday @ 3:42 PM

This dinner was pre-arranged weeks in advance, just for Eunice's birthday. And it's even harder to coordinate when this birthday momma is famous for last minute cancellation. As mentioned earlier- we always make it a point to have birthday dinners together. 

This time round, I planned a small little surprise for her. She wasn't expecting hansheng (aka our special guest) to turn up for the dinner as they (including Donson) were supposed to pretend that they were still in Korea having their vacation. 

We had HDL, my favorite steamboat if you are unaware. Luckily, they opened a new branch in 313 thus it's so much more convenient for me. Managed to grab a seat for four in less than 30 mins time. Honestly, I'm beginning to feel sick of it. It was Ivy's virgin experience- decided to bring her here to try. She's a real foodie- EATS A LOT.

Birthdays- occur once a year. But now, we're mid-20s and I come to realize that it's getting less significant to hold a celebration. In the past- when I was younger, I'm always eager to collect and the most excited when it comes to unwrapping of birthday gifts. But now, it becomes a reality that age is catching up with me of course, and sadly, slowly drifting apart from some people whom we used to think they are important. Birthdays serve to give us a look-back at what the year held. 

You do not need many friends to define who you are. Just the few, those few you know in your heart that they will always be there, rain or shine. Despite without frequent meet-ups, we can have endless comfortable conversations. Sometimes that includes trash-talking that does not hurt, taking it positively. True friends are not jealous or envious of what you have, instead.. we wish for more fortune, happiness to come to you. 

Some closer friends of mine since poly days realized the change in me. Especially after I've gotten together with Stefan, a much homely person. Not that it's hard to achieve... but it takes that one person to be able to control you. Not really 'controlling' (cos that sounds too demanding), more like.. subconsciously changing to become a better person.

Decided to order the roasted duck and char-siew from the food republic, newly opened at Shaw's for lunch today. It's good. :P

and I'm still searching for the perfect evening gown for sis's big day. I love bling dresses! Anyone, any recommendations, feel free to drop me an email or pm! :)

On a random note, I'm seriously hoping the rain to stop anytime soon- freezing cold. I loathe rainy season. 


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.