
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Updates @ 5:18 PM

Parma ham pizza and squid ink aglio olio pasta at SPIZZA last evening. Honestly speaking, I would much prefer Al Forno which is approximately 5 mins walk away, along the street of East Coast Road. They serve one of the best pizzas so far! Always craving for it. The squid ink pasta was a disappointment. There's this strong fishy taste..... don't really like it. I have tried better ones before, even the one at Bruno's (the photo below) is good.  

Also, attended Cheris's wedding two weeks ago. It was a happy occasion, and finally getting to see faces which I've not seen for a few years. It's like another gathering where most friends are present. Love attending such events, getting to see two lovebirds tie the knot. Blissfully in love. Mentally prepared to enter the next stage- spending the rest of their lives together, growing old together.

Sometimes, I wonder.. 

Is marriage a complicated thing? Is it really all about readiness? And who is ever really ready for marriage? I personally think, no one is ever really ready for marriage because it's simply impossible to be completely ready for the jump. How could anyone be 100% sure?

A simple concept made complicated. Guess it's just a part of us, over-thinking things of the future that no one knows. Perhaps, we have already set up high expectations on ourselves. Those random thoughts that crossed my mind. Maturity is a must... you need to know what you actually want, taking up responsibilities, being selfless and basic strong foundation is vital in the relationship. The decision to remain faithful is not based on the fear of hurting him/her, but based on the fact that you truthfully want to be with him/her.

Boils down to the main question: ' What's the definition of readiness? '


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.