
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Merry x'mas 2014 @ 3:54 PM

Merry Christmas! 

December is my favorite month of the year, partly because my birthday falls on the month. Other than that, x'mas is here and looking forward to a brand new year ahead. 

Throughout this entire year, I've traveled to several countries- not many, but good enough. Hongkong, Phuket and Japan. Mostly, to places I've been to before and exploring new cities like say, Kyoto and Osaka.

To HK with the boyfriend for his friend's wedding, first time attending such occasion overseas. Kinda different from SG - when it comes to photo-booth and programmes. Some health issue happened one day after the wedding dinner and I'm glad it's all resolved now. Glad to find out now (better than later), when the situation might worsen. I must say, it's a blessing in disguise. 

I'm officially employed, landed myself in a job around end Feb after I tendered my resignation last year Dec. 2 months of work-free break. My current job is not easy either. I guess every job has its downsides - fair share of stress and difficulties to deal with. At least, I'm still surviving. Months ago, my dad was expecting me to quit my job because my parents know that among all my siblings, I'm probably the one with the lowest tolerance level. So, I've proved him wrong. :)

Crossed one year mark with the boyfriend. Not proud to say that's an achievement, because I obviously want my relationship to last, looking at long-term but... you know sometimes, it's just so hard to predict the future. Never know what's gonna happen. I'm glad that I've found the right person, and in a very happy and stable relationship (other than the occasional small arguments, voicing out different opinions) and actually, I find it hard to believe we've walked this far. I must say, I'm not the easiest person to get along with but I think by now, he somehow is able to tolerate my nonsense and at the same time, patiently teaching me how to be more patient and rational. I will continue to learn and grow... and to become a better person. 

I've also learned to take a flight alone. It wasn't as terrifying. Great experience. 

That's about all, and happy holidays!!

X'mas lunch with the colleagues this afternoon.. pizzas & cola, best combo. Thankful having them around, making work a little more enjoyable.  


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.