
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Mad Nest @ 4:17 PM

We used to dine out quite frequently in the past, not so much these days ever-since he has shifted house. More of home-cooked food, either mine or his place. Healthier and cost-saving in a way. 

We wanted to explore Mel's Place but it's under renovation, and only drinks are served. Therefore, Mad Nest is our alternate choice, and we settled for thai cuisine (we both love spices!) this time even though I heard pretty good reviews of their grilled eel maki! We tried the tomyum seafood fried rice, tomyum soup and pork knuckles. Very tasty, and will be coming back for more in future.


Monday, March 9, 2015
random @ 4:22 PM

Yay counting down. An impromptu trip booked to HKG in less than 2 weeks' time. It's gonna be a short trip. Will be there with the boyfriend and say yes to feasting. Missing' those cheap dimsums and my favourite cart noodles (something like, ytf in sg). The soup broth is just superb, so rich and yummehhh  (cos it's partly salty). :P It's gonna be our third time traveling to this particular country. It's not boring, and I know I'll be safe with him around.

I'll be traveling back alone, while the bf is gonna stay a few days longer for his work conference. I wish I've more annual leave to spare. WISH. Most importantly.. fingers crossed that I can make my way to the airport myself and NOT miss my flight again. It was a genuine mistake. Repeated mistake simply confirmed I'm a fool, cos' the first teaches me a lesson not to repeat. 

Nothing much to update- been controlling my temper. I think it's more or less under control. Still working towards a more positive attitude, and blast off those negative vibes. Oh by the way, my boyf thinks I've learned from our last h2h talk... so I guess I've made some significant improvements. 

Relationships are never easy. Love is not always a bed of roses. Voicing different opinions which potentially lead to harsh conflicts if one choose to take it negatively. We, humans generally only reveal the happier side of us. It's perfectly normal. That's social media, picturing the beautiful side of people (or what we want you to see), which I agree to some extent.. gives a false sense of true-self and self-esteem. 

I've learned that if the boyfriend ever say something that's unpleasant to my ears, I must trust that he does not mean any harms and it's all for my own good. And vice-versa. I will not do anything to hurt him, or perhaps, if I did, it was never intentional. We all desire a smooth-sailing relationship, but it's almost impossible. What matters the most is we both grow up from our own mistakes, and eventually become a better person for our other half. Compromising is one thing, but how long could you endure before you've finally decided to put a stop to it? And when the day comes, who's gonna regret? The one who tried so hard to give in and hold on to the relationship? Or the one who has unknowingly took the relationship for granted? 

It might be too late. 

In mature love, says Meinecke, "we do not look to our partner to provide our happiness, and we don't blame them for our unhappiness. We take responsibility for the expectations that we carry, for our own negative emotional reactions, for our own insecurities, and for our own dark moods."

Monday, February 23, 2015
happy cny 2015 @ 4:27 PM

Happy CNY to all. This year is meh's year, and hoping it's gonna be smooth sailing, filled with happiness (with less rough patch) in terms of work, family, relationship and health for all my loved ones and myself. 

Time flies, a moment ago, we were counting down for the new year and look, march is drawing nearer (in 6 more days to be exact). 

I realized I haven't been handling stress well and of course, I know I'm not very good at controlling my anger. Anger is completely normal and healthy. However, when it gets out of control, it can be very destructive which leads to bigger problems. 

I thought I've been optimistic most of the times, but maybe... I'm not. There are still times that I'm caught up in a situation and find that my thoughts are racing. Still a long long way to learn and improve myself. This has been what I'm trying to achieve, but failed time and again. Self control is important. The good thing is I'm aware of this, but main issue is... change always seems difficult. No idea where and how to start from. Afterall we're all humans, we all have flaws.. 

Start somewhere, start small and we always hope, for the best- towards the right direction. 

“Don't you worry if everything seems so difficult right now. They will get better, just give it a try. Don't be too harsh on yourself if you seem to be trying & trying but nothing seems to be changing. Don't be annoyed by the multitudes of flaws that surround you. Don't seek perfection - you will never attain it. Instead, thrive for betterment, taking each day as a new step. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” 
― Kapil Ramdass

Main to back cny topic- 


Sunday, February 15, 2015
Happy valentine 2015 @ 11:22 PM

Really sorry for the lack of updates- work has been pretty hectic lately. Time flies, and I've been in my job for almost a year this end Feb.

Here wishing everyone happy valentine day! It's our second year celebrating this special occasion and we hope to celebrate the rest of valentine's day together. This year, we celebrated vday with a dinner date at illido (@ Sentosa Golf Club) on the eve. Actual vday was spent having cny reunion dinner with his parents and relatives. 

Dinner was okay, nothing impressive (and memorable). We chose the foie gras & octopus with nduja and potato cream (not that bad) for sides. 2 main courses- their highly recommended 1) tagliolini with scampi and paprika sauce & 2) kurobuta pork chop to share. Service was good. I was craving for chocolate lava cake but I realised the dish has been removed from their dessert menu. The staff kindly offered to check with the chef and somehow they managed to arrange. However, the surface was a little burnt but overall it was okay. It could have been better matching it with a scoop of ice cream. 

Anyways thank you S for the dinner treat and for the very unexpected red roses from the (not-so) romantic man. Rare times you get to see the sweet-er side of him.

As we age, we no longer expect for more. It's no longer about gifts and fanciful surprises. I'm good with this simple arrangement. Thanks for reassuring me when there are times I might feel a little negative about myself. Trust and stability is more important than anything in a relationship. Gifts are just temporary happiness. Ultimately, the best kind of relationship makes you feel emotionally safe and secure. In other words, filling up your emotional tank and making sure it's full. Thank you for loving me.

Oh ya, holiday mode activated. Very much looking forward to the long cny weekend. :) and I desperately need a getaway trip soon too. Planning in progress!

Thursday, January 22, 2015
Updates @ 5:18 PM

Parma ham pizza and squid ink aglio olio pasta at SPIZZA last evening. Honestly speaking, I would much prefer Al Forno which is approximately 5 mins walk away, along the street of East Coast Road. They serve one of the best pizzas so far! Always craving for it. The squid ink pasta was a disappointment. There's this strong fishy taste..... don't really like it. I have tried better ones before, even the one at Bruno's (the photo below) is good.  

Also, attended Cheris's wedding two weeks ago. It was a happy occasion, and finally getting to see faces which I've not seen for a few years. It's like another gathering where most friends are present. Love attending such events, getting to see two lovebirds tie the knot. Blissfully in love. Mentally prepared to enter the next stage- spending the rest of their lives together, growing old together.

Sometimes, I wonder.. 

Is marriage a complicated thing? Is it really all about readiness? And who is ever really ready for marriage? I personally think, no one is ever really ready for marriage because it's simply impossible to be completely ready for the jump. How could anyone be 100% sure?

A simple concept made complicated. Guess it's just a part of us, over-thinking things of the future that no one knows. Perhaps, we have already set up high expectations on ourselves. Those random thoughts that crossed my mind. Maturity is a must... you need to know what you actually want, taking up responsibilities, being selfless and basic strong foundation is vital in the relationship. The decision to remain faithful is not based on the fear of hurting him/her, but based on the fact that you truthfully want to be with him/her.

Boils down to the main question: ' What's the definition of readiness? '

Monday, January 5, 2015
Exact thoughts, strangely. @ 3:25 PM

Sunday, January 4, 2015
Riders cafe @ 4:00 PM

Brunch date with S- was a very random thought that crossed my mind last night and the boyf was spontaneous enough to go along with this impromptu plan this morning.

I would say, its not very convenient for ppl who do not drive, because its hidden at a super ulu place around Bukit Timah. Away from the malls, which is a good thing. I would personally prefer dining somewhere that's less crowded. Great chill out place. 

Brunch was okay- nothing special. I've ordered french toasts with berries and vanilla cream ($16) while the boyfriend decided to stay with "the usuals" ($18), which consists of two sunny side up eggs with some bacon, mushrooms and sausage.

Coffees are a must for me on a daily basis, at $4.50 per cup. Quite disappointed. The coffee was considered bland to me, sorta diluted.

The whole purpose of this visit was for their dessert, 'death by chocolate cake' ($12), but my tum was extremely full from the french toasts. Too much carbs, decided to give it a miss this time.

Have a lovely sunday evening... oh no, and back to work tomorrow.

Neon for the new year, pink 2015. 

Also tried on an oxygeneo facial on NYE, skin feels really soft and smooth for days. I've sensitive skin but this machine has proven to NOT cause any kinda skin irritation, severe breakouts and redness on my face. 

Love the result. 


Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.