
Monday, February 23, 2015
happy cny 2015 @ 4:27 PM

Happy CNY to all. This year is meh's year, and hoping it's gonna be smooth sailing, filled with happiness (with less rough patch) in terms of work, family, relationship and health for all my loved ones and myself. 

Time flies, a moment ago, we were counting down for the new year and look, march is drawing nearer (in 6 more days to be exact). 

I realized I haven't been handling stress well and of course, I know I'm not very good at controlling my anger. Anger is completely normal and healthy. However, when it gets out of control, it can be very destructive which leads to bigger problems. 

I thought I've been optimistic most of the times, but maybe... I'm not. There are still times that I'm caught up in a situation and find that my thoughts are racing. Still a long long way to learn and improve myself. This has been what I'm trying to achieve, but failed time and again. Self control is important. The good thing is I'm aware of this, but main issue is... change always seems difficult. No idea where and how to start from. Afterall we're all humans, we all have flaws.. 

Start somewhere, start small and we always hope, for the best- towards the right direction. 

“Don't you worry if everything seems so difficult right now. They will get better, just give it a try. Don't be too harsh on yourself if you seem to be trying & trying but nothing seems to be changing. Don't be annoyed by the multitudes of flaws that surround you. Don't seek perfection - you will never attain it. Instead, thrive for betterment, taking each day as a new step. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” 
― Kapil Ramdass

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Ariel Meiqi

Eat Well, Travel Often, Shop Fashionably
Still learning, still discovering.

Email: ariel.suey@gmail.com

Editor of Samplestore.com

seek &inspire.